Papers & Publications

The field in which I am based—“Rhetoric and Composition”—is understood as a convergence of ancient traditions with contemporary issues, philosophies, and methodologies related to the learning and teaching of writing in various modalities, contexts, and spheres of public and private activity. In my scholarship I am motivated by a dual desire: I want my historical work to help build theory in rhetoric and composition, and I want my theoretical work to help expand historical methods in and approaches for the discipline. Most of my projects occur within three interrelated strands of intellectual activity.

I. Rhetoric, Feminism, History, and Language
My research in this strand is interested in how knowledge about writing and written expression gets made within and across borders, how various disciplines and publics access that knowledge, and how those ways of access become historicized or overlooked among underrepresented subjects. As a result, my work often challenges overriding assumptions about feminist ways of knowing that historically go unnoticed, due to any number of factors; considers theoretical extensions of comparative rhetorical methodologies; and considers historical challenges of globalizing such study through increasingly technologized means. Notable projects include:


II. Rhetoric, Historiography, Digital Humanities, and Archives
Studying physical and digital archives as factors in the re/construction of underrepresented textual histories has led me to a second strand of intellectual activity, where I consider how feminist historiography in rhetoric and composition can contribute to archival studies writ large. My research in this strand focuses on method, attending to how digital historical practices in rhetoric and composition are not so much new as they reflect newly reimagined habits or desires—to witness institutions as they are in the process of being formed, to critically display historians’ narratives alongside those of their subjects, and to circulate tools that reflect the nature of our blurred relationships with text, memory, and archive. My work in this strand has been partly collaborative, including ongoing investigations of digital historiography with Patricia Sullivan, and of networked archives with Shirley K Rose. Ultimately, I consider how rhetoric and composition historians materialize what Susan Miller has called their “textual trust” in the archive (Trust in Texts, 2007, p. 107). Notable projects include:


  • “Rhetoric, Feminism and the Transnational Archive” (book manuscript in progress)
  • “Against Erasure: Performing Feminist Historiography through Metadata Encounters” (article in progress)
  • “Thinking Different: Exchanging Archival Data across Transnational Time and Space.” The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Feminist Rhetoric. Eds. Jacqueline Rhodes and Suban Nur Cooley. Routledge, 2025 [forthcoming]. 
  • “The Promise(s) and Peril(s) of Big Data: Historiography, Data Feminism, and Tracing Women of Color.” Rhetorica Rising: Advancing Feminist Rhetorical Methods and Methodologies. Eds. KJ Rawson, Eileen Schell, Sidney Turner, Gabriella Wilson, Abigail Helen Long, Curtis Jeffrey Jewell. U of South Carolina P, 2025 [forthcoming]. Co-authored with Michael J. Healy. 
  • “Decolonizing the Transnational Collection: A Heuristic for Teaching Digital Archival Curation and Participation.” Unsettling Archival Research: Engaging Critical, Communal, and Digital Archives. Eds. Gesa E. Kirsch, Romeo García, Walker Smith, and Caitlin Burns. Forthcoming. Southern Illinois U P, 2023, pp. 211–239.
  • Teaching through the Archives: Text, Collaboration, Activism. Eds. Tarez Samra Graban and Wendy Hayden. Southern Illinois U P, 2022. **Featured on New Books Network podcast, with Alice Garner.
  • “Teaching Rhetoric and Composition through the Archives: A Critical Introduction.” In Teaching through the Archives: Text, Collaboration, Activism. Eds. Graban and Hayden. Southern Illinois U P, 2022, pp. 1–27. Co-authored with Wendy Hayden.
  • “The Boutique is Open: Data for Writing Studies.” Composition and Big Data. Eds. Amanda Licastro and Benjamin Miller. U of Pittsburgh P, 2021, pp. 196–211. Co-authored with Cheryl E. Ball and Michelle Sidler.
  • “Foreword: Writing Against Reactionary Logics.” Feminist Connections: Rhetoric and Activism across Time, Space, and Place. Eds. Katherine Fredlund, Kerri Hauman, Jessica Oulette. U of Alabama P, 2020, pp. xi–xiii.
  • “Introduction to Special Issue: Questioning Collaboration, Labor and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research.” Digital Humanities Quarterly vol. 13, no. 2, Summer 2019. Co-authored with Paul Marty, Allen Romano, Micah Vandegrift.
  • “Ripple Effects: Toward a Topos of Deployment for Feminist Historiography in Rhetoric and Composition.” Networked Humanities: Within and Without the University. Eds. Brian McNely and Jeff Rice. Parlor P, 2018, pp. 106–130.
  • “Resisting the ‘Singularly Tellable Space’: Re-Seeing Networks in Rhetorical Studies.” Rhetorics Change / Rhetoric’s Change. Eds. Jenny Rice, Chelsea Graham, and Eric Detweiler. Parlor P and Intermezzo P, 2018. Co-authored with John Jones, Dawn Opel, and Ana Cooke.
  • “New Rhetorics of Scholarship: Leveraging Betweenness and Circulation for Feminist Historical Work in Composition Studies.” Circulation, Writing, and Rhetoric. Eds. Laurie Gries and Collin G. Brooke. Utah State UP, 2018, pp. 189–207. Co-authored with Patricia Sullivan.
  • “Re/Situating the Digital Archive in John T. McCutcheon’s ‘Publics,’ Then and Now.” Peitho: A Journal of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition vol. 17, no., Dec. 2014, pp. 73–88. Link to pdf.
  • “In, Through, and About the Archive: What Digitization (Dis)Allows.” Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Eds. Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson. U Chicago P, 2014, pp. 233–244. Co-authored with Alexis Ramsey-Tobienne and Whitney Myers.
  • “From Location(s) to Locatability: Mapping Feminist Recovery and Archival Activity through Metadata.” College English vol. 76, no. 2, Nov. 2013, pp. 171–193.
  • Digital and Dustfree: A Conversation on the Possibilities of Digital-Only Searching for Third-Wave Historical Recovery.” Peitho: A Publication of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition vol. 13, no. 2, Dec 2011, pp. 2–11. [Masthead is incorrect: reads Spring 2010.] Co-authored with Patricia Sullivan.
  • “Emergent Taxonomies: Using ‘Tension’ and ‘Forum’ to Organize Primary Texts.” Working in the Archives: Practical Methods for Research in Rhetoric and Composition (eds. Barbara L’Eplattenier, Lisa Mastrangelo, Wendy Sharer, Alexis Ramsey). Southern Illinois UP, 2009, pp. 206–219.

III. Feminism, Composition Pedagogy, and Institutional Discourse
Following from my interest in disciplinary histories, my scholarship in this strand focuses on reflective practice, considering how to apply feminist theory and historical methodologies to larger questions about institutional ethics and pedagogical innovation, especially surrounding the establishment of undergraduate curriculum, the maintenance of writing programs, the mentoring of multilingual learners, and the invention of disciplinary discourses. My work in this strand includes frequent collaborations with Kathleen J. Ryan, Colin and Jonikka Charlton, and Amy Ferdinandt Stolley. Notable projects include:
