Rhetorical Theory and Practice: Theory as a Live/d Practice
- Kathryn Armstrong, “Genealogy of Carolyn Miller’s Notion of ‘Genre'” Short Assignment (Oct 2013)
- Bridgette Balderson, “Genre as Agent in Sustaining, Creating, and Limiting Discourse” Critical Essay + Multimodal Component (Dec 2012)
- Joel Bergholtz, “Reconstructing Re/Presentation of Black America through Hip-Hop Discourse” Critical Essay (Dec 2012)
- Richard Dexheimer, “Stereotyping as Rhetorical Practice” Critical Essay (Dec 2012)
- Andrea Ealum, “Re/Presentation and the Author’s Importance” Critical Essay + Multimodal Component (Dec 2013)
- Jamie Grice, “Hydromorpheme” Multimodal Argument (Dec 2013)
- Kaylah Hughes, “Tumblr Dialogue (Fictive) between Yung Chang’s Up the Yangtze and Sharon Daniel’s Public Secrets“ Multimodal Argument (Dec 2013)
- Daniel Lange, “Understanding Languages as Both Social and Gendered: An Analysis of Heteroglossia” Critical Essay (Dec 2013)
- James Lannon, “Breaking Barriers: Identification through Signification” Critical Essay + Multimodal Component (Dec 2012)
- Michelle Macchio, “Re/Actions to Ideology and Agency in Western Society” Critical Essay (Dec 2012)
- Karlyn McKell, “Sojourner Truth’s ‘Ain’t I a Woman?’ Retold through Carolyn Heilbrun” Multimodal Component (Dec 2012)
- Joe Miller, “Roadmap through Mikhail Bakhtin’s ‘Discourse in the Novel’ and ‘Problem of Speech Genres'” Short Assignment (Oct 2013)
- Angela Minucci, “‘What’s in A Name?'” Critical Essay + “IdentiFY? Board Game” Multimodal Component (Dec 2012)
- Will Oldham, “Toward a 21st-Century ‘Sublime'” Critical Essay + Multimodal Component (Dec 2013)
- Alek Pierce, “X-Box Cover (Fictive) of a Rhetorical Strategist” Multimodal Argument (Dec 2013)
- Adam Schwartz, “Varying Interpretations of Pictorial and non-Pictorial Language” Multimodal Component (Dec 2012)
- Harold Scott, “Rap Isn’t a Genre! (Rap Isn’t Dead.) The Big Book of Rap” Quicktime Argument (Dec 2012)
- Shanae Simon, “Unstable Language” Critical Essay + “Don’t Call Me a B—h!” Slam Poetry Performance (Dec 2012)
- Duante Smith, “Not for the Faint of Heart” (Fictive) Documentary Poster (Dec 2013)
- Jeremiah St. John, “Re-mix, Re-screen, Re-present” Critical Essay (Dec 2012)