Project Creators
Tarez Samra Graban is Assistant Professor of English at The Florida State University, where she teaches rhetorical theory, historical methodologies, archival practice, feminist theory, and advanced composition. She also leads an interdisciplinary Digital Scholars reading and discussion group for students, faculty, and professionals across campus. Her research interests include redrawing disciplinary boundaries in the face of new and/or emergent digital historical practices. In 2010, Graban began investigating metadata ecologies for feminist recovery work. During 2011-2012, Graban was a faculty fellow at the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities at Indiana University, where she consulted with the Digital Libraries Program to develop the concept for what is now the MetaData Mapping Project (MDMP) prototype. She is the original project creator and author of this site. Contact at:
Richard J. Urban is Assistant Professor of Library and Information Studies at The Florida State University, with research interests in cultural heritage informatics. He has a range of experience with metadata aggregation projects (Digital Public Library of America, IMLS Digital Collections and Content, and Colorado Digitization Program) with similar technical goals as the MDMP. Urban has participated in digital humanities activities at the University of Illinois, Florida State University, and as instructor at the 2013 Digital Humanities Winter Institute at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH). From 2013 to 2014, Urban contributed to MDMP as a Project Advisor, helping to articulate connections between MDMP and emerging Linked Open Data practices. He joined the project in 2015, just before we archived the prototype.
Stephen J. McElroy is Director of the Reading-Writing Center and Digital Studio at The Florida State University, where he also teaches in the College Composition Program and the Editing, Writing, and Media track. His research interests include digital rhetoric, writing center and multiliteracy center theory and practice, and assemblage theory in composition. McElroy is a co-founder of the FSU Card Archive. He joined the project in summer 2015, just before we archived the prototype.
Project Advisors
This project would not be possible without the ongoing support of the following individuals:
Alli Crandell is the Digital Content Coordinator at Coastal Carolina University and part-time independent digital designer. She was one of MDMP’s Project Creators from 2013 to 2014 and achieved the vital task of designing an interface that would accommodate several back-end functions, which resulted in this site. She has worked with various NSF and IMLS-funded projects, including The Hollins Community Project, PlaceMark and The Lowcountry Foodways Project. Her design and consulting work focuses on creating theoretically-informed and reflexive work plans and digital solutions for academics, artists and para-academics, such as punctum books, smudge studio, Trident Technical College, and the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. In 2014, Crandell stepped away from project development to become a Project Advisor.
Patricia Sullivan is Professor of English and Director of the Rhetoric and Composition graduate program at Purdue University, whose research interests involve archival and historical methodologies, and digital historiography. Victor Raskin is Distinguished Professor of English and Linguistics at Purdue University with special interests in ontological semantics and computing, as well as Professor of Computer Science, founding chair of the interdepartmental graduate program in Linguistics, and a charter advisory board member on the CERIAS (Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security) project at Purdue University. While Raskin specializes in the construction of topic-specific ontologies, Sullivan has gathered extensive metadata consisting of citational references to women’s pedagogical activities through the Progressive Era. Both were influential in the earliest conception of this project.
Philip C. Bantin is former Director of the Office of University Archives and Records Management at Indiana University, as well as Director of the Archives Specialization and Associate Professor of Information and Library Science at Indiana University. Bantin specializes in archives and museum informatics. Dina M. Kellams is current Director of the Office of Archives and Records Management at Indiana University, with a specialization in archival informatics. Bantin and Kellams have consulted with Graban on archival management and archival data processing, and have opened up various administrative and pedagogical collections housed at IU to help seed the prototype, including the Cecilia Hennel Hendricks Family Papers and the presidents’ correspondence files.